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Thomas Reese: English-speaking bishops call for major changes in synod report

17. okt. 2014

Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter, skriver bl.a.:

The English-speaking bishops at the Synod of Bishops on the family want major changes in the mid-synod relatio, or working paper, that received positive reviews in the media for its compassion and understanding. They want a fuller presentation of the church's theology of marriage, more encouragement for those who are faithful to church teaching, and the elimination of what they consider confusing passages in the report.
It is not unusual for synod working papers to be criticized by the membership, but in the past they were usually criticized for being too abstract and academic and for not being pastoral. This time, the call is for more clarity in church teaching.

There were three English-language discussion groups, labeled A, B, and C. The bishops were assigned randomly to the groups, but the full membership of each group has not been revealed.

We do know that Cardinal Raymond Burke was the moderator (chair) and Archbishop John Dew was the relator (secretary) of Group A. Cardinal Wilfrid Napier was moderator of Group B and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin was relator. And Group C had as moderator Archbishop Joseph Kurtz with Archbishop Stephen Brislin as relator.

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