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Fr. James Martin, SJ: Wow. The Pope, in his annual Christmas message to the Curia, has issued a blistering critique of their way of proceeding

22. dec. 2014

Fr. James Martin, SJ skriver på sin facebook væg:

Wow. The Pope, in his annual Christmas message to the Curia, has issued a blistering critique of their way of proceeding, cataloguing 15 "spiritual maladies," including joylessness, arrogance, vanity, and hypocrisy. It reminds me of something a friend of his told me after Cardinal Bergoglio was elected pope. And I quote: "That man is not afraid of anyone, or anything."

Here are the 15 "diseases," as listed by Vatican Insider <her>

John Allen's summary is below. Nicole Winfield of Associate Press reports that the highly critical speech was met with "tepid applause." <her>