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NCR: Fem myter om anti-kristen forfølgelse

1. maj 2014

Den ansete journalist John L. Allen Jr. skrev i 2012 en artikel i National Catholic Reporter med titlen: "Five myths about anti-Christian persecution" - og den er ikke mindre aktuel efter DR2 Detektor's udsendelse idag:  Men passer det virkelig?  hvor de tjekker påstanden om at hele 80 procent af alle hadforbrydelser i Europa er rettet mod kristne.

John L. Allen Jr. gennemgår i sin artikel 5 myter, og kommer bl.a. ind på hvem der forfølger de kristne og skriver bl.a.:

Even, believe it or not, Christian radicalism

If that last entry seems counter-intuitive, consider what happened in the village of San Rafael Tlanalapan, in the Mexican state of Puebla, this past September. Seventy local Protestants were forced to flee after a band of traditionalist Catholics issued a chilling ultimatum: Leave immediately or be "crucified or lynched."

The point is that extremism and intolerance of whatever stripe, not Islam, is the threat.


Defending persecuted Christians, in other words, is hardly an effort that should concern the political and theological right alone. Styling anti-Christian persecution as a political football is not only an obscenity, but it's factually inaccurate.

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