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Austen Ivereigh: Francis begins South America tour with homage to family

7. juli 2015

Austen Ivereigh (bla. forfatter til "The Great Reformer") skriver om Pave Frans' 1. dag af den Sydamerikanske rundrejse:

Francis begins South America tour with homage to family

Pope Francis’s first homily of his three-nation, eight-day South American trip focussed on the family, describing it as the “the nearest hospital, the first school for the young, and the best home for the elderly” in a Mass in Samanes Park in the coast city of Guayaquil in Ecuador, attended by 600,000 people under baking sun.

Francis was driven into the city in a customary small silver Fiat marked for the occasion with Vatican City number plates, as tens of thousands lined the streets to welcome him.

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