Video - På nettet...

Video - På nettet.... Katolikker i Dialog

Broder Alessandro

18. april 2014

Wikipedia skriver: 

Broder Alessandro er en italiensk fransiskaner munk og tenor sanger. Han er også den første munk der har indgået en eksklusiv pladekontrakt med et stort pladeselskab, i dette tilfælde Universal Music.

Wikipedia: Broder Alessandro

Voice of Joy (Deluxe) 2013  - købes / streames her:

iTunes / Spotify / YouMusic / TDC PlayWimp

Voice from Assisi 2012 - købes / streames her:

iTunes / Spotify / YouMusic / TDC PlayWimp

I et interview med The Telegraph fortælller Broder Alessandro:

"Music for me is a direct line with God. It’s the way to communicate with him, and it’s the way God uses to communicate with us. It’s the way to spread the gospel, to everybody, to the world.
"The story of St. Francis of Assisi is very similar to mine. Francis was a humble man, and he decided to spread the gospel with music, dance and joy.”

Artiklen er <her>

Website: Broder Alessandro 

Facebook side: Broder Alessandro