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Video - På nettet.... Katolikker i Dialog

Joan Chittister - Watch an interview with this popular and controversial Benedictine nun

25. sept. 2014

Sendt 30. aug. 2013 på PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) USA:

This Benedictine nun calls for change in the Catholic Church, not clinging to the past.

"To be reactionary at a time like this is to stand in front of a tsunami and say you can swim. We’re changing. Our goal is to change for the better," says this controversial Benedictine nun about the Catholic church's need to reform on issues such as gay marriage and female ordination.

Watch additional excerpts from our interview with author and Benedictine nun Joan Chittister. “Our purpose is to present the most humane, spiritual, moral, communal model of life for a world in chaos around us—to be an island of care and cohesion in the midst of all the movement,” she says.