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CBS 60 Minutes: Saint Benedict's Preparatory School

28. marts 2016

Nedenstående kan ses på indtil 3. april 2016 <her>

Lesley Stahl tegner et portræt af en enestående skole i Newark der er så succesfuld, at 98 procent af eleverne senere er i stand til at gennemføre en college-uddannelse.

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Den originale udgave uden danske undertekster:

Their school motto is "Whatever hurts my brother hurts me" and their graduation rate is 98 percent. Scott Pelley reports on a unique school in Newark:

Kilde: CBS 60 min: Saint Benedict's Preparatory School

60 Minutes overtime:

60 Minutes profiles St. Benedict's Prep, a unique school in Newark, where a boy's hoodie -- like a monk's hood -- must be earned:

At St. Benedict's Prep, a boy's hoodie -- like a monk's hood -- must be earned

Opslået af 60 Minutes på 20. marts 2016

This documentary tells a rare story of success. In Newark, New Jersey, where the average high school graduation rate is abysmal, St. Benedict’s Prep is the exception — with a near 100 percent college acceptance rate. Filmmakers Marylou & Jerome Bongiorno profile the school and the Benedictine monks of Newark Abbey to see how they achieve success among a vulnerable population of inner-city African-American and Latino teenage boys.

Nov. 2015
Filmmakers Marylou & Jerome Bongiorno's idea to revitalize inner cities like Newark is to reduce poverty. One way to do so is urban school reform as seen in their documentary film The Rule, which presents the successful model of St. Benedict's Prep - nearly 100% college acceptance for inner city young men.