Om - Amoris Laetitia

NCR: Debate over 'Amoris Laetitia' is over

9. feb. 2017

Michael Sean Winters skriver

This past week, I realized that the debate over Amoris Laetitia is over.

The Holy Father wisely chose not to respond to the five dubia, or questions, posed to him by four cardinals who objected to Amoris Laetitia. Unlike our president, Pope Francis can't be easily baited. "The dubia are not really expressions of doubt or questions but rather assertions that 'Amoris Laetitia' appears to have abandoned or altered key teachings of Catholic tradition," as Fr. Lou Cameli pointed out in his splendid essay at America. Answering them publicly would have only emboldened those few who resist the pope's pastoral approach. Where do they go now with their complaints?

The Catholic press has published hundreds of articles about the text, some supporting it, some suggesting that the document is confusing or worse, but mostly, we in the press have moved on. The opposition to Francis, on this and other matters, has always been disproportionately an American phenomenon and even the most severe critics of Francis have had to write about other issues, not least the consequential election and the inauguration of a new president.

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