Tema: George Pell

En temasiden om Georg Pell

Tema: George Pell

Seneste opdate: 13/3-19 - 09:10
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Den australske kardinal George Pell blev i 2017 tiltalt for 'historiske seksuelle forbrydelser' mod flere formodede ofre.
Den 11. december 2018 blev Pell fundet skyldig i seksuelle overgreb mod to kordrenge i St Patrick's Cathedral i Melbourne i 1996, da Pell var ærkebiskop i byen. Nævningene brugte to dage på at nå frem til en enstemmig afgørelse.
Overgrebene skete, efter at Pell på fersk gerning tog de to drenge på 12 og 13 år i at drikke altervin.
Pell er det mest højtstående medlem af den katolske kirke, som er blevet anklaget og dømt for seksuelle overgreb.


Guardian News - 12. marts 2019
Chief judge Peter Kidd sentences Cardinal George Pell to six years in prison, with a non-parole period of three years and eight months, for the sexual abuse of two boys at St Patrick's cathedral in the 1990s. Pell was convicted last month on five charges of child sexual assault, following a committal hearing, a mistrial and a trial.

30. juni 2017: eBog / Bog - CARDINAL: The Rise and Fall of George Pell <her>

ABC News - 4. marts 2019 - længde: 40 min
The conviction of Cardinal George Pell for sexual offences against two teenage boys was suppressed by the court. Now the story of what happened to them can be told. For the first time, those central to the case speak out to Four Corners' reporter Louise Milligan.

YouTube playliste: Tema: George Pell

YouTube playliste: ‘60 min’ George Pell

60 Minutes Australia - 25. feb. 2019
“In 2015, 60 Minutes presented damning new evidence against Pell. He has always argued his intervention on behalf of child abuse victims was innovative, independent and compassionate. But now, secret documents reveal it as a cynical smokescreen designed to protect the Catholic Church at all costs. “

”It's hard to imagine a graver charge. It's against one of the most powerful men in Australia, the man who is now the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney. The accusation is simply this: That Dr George Pell attempted to bribe a distressed young man, who'd been sexually assaulted by a priest - and that Pell did this to cover up a potential scandal and to protect his church. And, as you'll see, there's more. Money offered to silence the family of two young girls, more tragic victims of a predator in the Catholic Church. “