Arkiv: 24-26. maj 2014 - Pavens rejse til Det hellige Land

Pavens rejse til Det hellige Land er slut og som en opsamling for hele rejsen er herunder 7 korte video indslag på hver ca. 3 min

27. maj 2014 

Pavens rejse til Det hellige Land er slut og som en opsamling for hele rejsen er herunder 7 korte video indslag på hver ca. 3 min, produceret af Catholic News Service, der opsummere pavens rejse på en meget informativ måde - med tekstning på engelsk.

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24. maj - Pope Francis arrives in the Holy Land

On the first day of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Francis spoke about the need for religious freedom and peace in the Middle East.


25. maj - Pope Francis prays at West Bank wall


25. maj - Pope Francis preaches in Bethlehem

Pope Francis spoke on the importance of defending and protecting children during his homily in the town of Jesus' birth, May 25.


25. maj - Pope, Patriarch pray for unity

Pope Francis met with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, commemorating the 50th anniversary of their predecessors' meeting, May 25.


26. maj - Pope meets with Muslims, Jews in Holy Lan


Pope Francis met with Muslim and Jewish representatives in the Holy Land May 26.


26. maj - Pope Francis visits Gethsemane, Cenacle

On the last day of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Francis visited Gethsemane and the Cenacle.


27. maj - Pope plans to meet abuse victims

Pope Francis answered questions from reporters during an in-flight news conference on his return flight to Rome from the Holy Land May 26.


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Motto for Pavens rejse: So that they may be one

24-26. maj 2014 - Pavens rejse til Det hellige Land

22. maj 2014 har en god oversigts side - og skriver bl.a.

Den 24 - 26.  maj besøger pave Frans Det Hellige Land og de palæstinensiske selvstyreområder. 

Med på turen er pavens gamle ven, den argentinske rabbiner Abraham Skorka, der omtaler rejsen som:

"et fredsbudskab for alle folkslag og stater i regionen" 

I et længere interview i den jesuitiske tidsskrift Civilta Cattolica fortæller Skorka, at han under sit første møde med Frans i Vatikanet luftede ideen om en fælles rejse til det Hellige Land.

"Vi drømte om at omfavne hinanden foran Grædemuren"

sagde rabbineren, der i 2010 udgav samtalebogen "Om Himmel og Jord" med daværende Kardinal Bergoglio fra Buenos Aires.

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The Government Press Office (GPO) er ansvarlig - på vegne af Statsministeriets i Israel - for koordinering mellem Israels regering og journalister og medier medarbejdere der arbejder i Israel. 


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A sheikh and a rabbi with the Pope

A sheikh and a rabbi will be accompanying Pope Francis on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. They are both from Argentina and are longtime friends of the Holy Father. Skorka Abraham is the rector of the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary and Omar Abboud is the director of the Institute for Interreligious Dialogue. An unusual choice that gives an interreligious touch to this journey that has ecumenical dialogue as its mission.


Waiting for Pope Francis: three voices of authority

The Franciscan Media Center interviewed three important figures involved in the Holy Father’s pilgrimage: the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos IIII and the Custos of the Holy Land Pierbattista Pizzaballa.


Interfaith Voices for the Christians of the Holy Land

In Jerusalem, on Sunday, May 11, a peaceful demonstration took place in front of the residence of the Israeli Prime Minister. The Interreligious Council in Israel promoted it. Christians, but especially Jews and Muslims were present: they all came together to demand respect for religious freedom in the Holy Land.