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RNS: Polish diplomat raises extradition for Vatican official accused of sex abuse

28. aug. 2014

Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service, skriver bl.a.:

 Poland’s ambassador to the Holy See has forcefully condemned the alleged sexual abuse of children by a Polish-born former archbishop and Vatican diplomat, and said Warsaw is considering a fresh request to extradite Jozef Wesolowski to face trial in his homeland.
Ambassador Piotr Nowina-Konopka said Wednesday (Aug. 27) the Polish government was reviewing its options after the Vatican announced this week that the former papal envoy to the Dominican Republic had been defrocked and no longer had diplomatic immunity.

“We are currently analyzing the situation regarding immunity,” the ambassador told Religion News Service in remarks that were unusually frank for a diplomat, and especially one from a country that is as strongly Catholic as Poland.

“Without doubt Poland considers the acts that the archbishop is alleged to have carried out as particularly repugnant and Pope Francis’ firm approach to that type of crime has won great respect and full support in Poland,” Nowina-Konopka said.


“Wesolowski has allegedly committed wrongs against his victims and against his priestly state that led to his laicization but he has also committed crimes against the law of the sovereign that issued his nationality as a diplomat,” the Rev. Robert John Araujo, a Jesuit priest and law professor at Loyola University in Chicago, wrote on the Catholic legal blog Mirror of Justice.

“All things being considered, it appears that the Holy See acted as expeditiously as any sovereign would be obliged to do,” he said.

Hele artiklen er <her>

Rev. Robert John Araujo: The Holy See, Public International Law, and the Case of Josef Wesolowski <her>

Wikiopedia: Piotr Nowina-Konopka

Tema: Jozef Wesolowski

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